rolling stars
Thursday 7 August 2008
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AS YOU CAN SEE BABY, I did the rolled hem perfectly for last week's assignment*and I finished it today hahaha I know I'm lame but don't blame a perfectionist*. I was complaining to Eliza*my 1st year sewing tutor* about my dysfunctional relationship with the stupid 2nd-row-from-the-lecturer's-desk juki.

M: Err..yeah?
E: You should've used'd be easier..
M: AARGHHHHH!!!*mikir hrs motong lg dan beli kain lg*

Then I went all nervous and crazy until she said if I was desperate later I can look for her help. OH GOD, for non-fashion student or non-sewing creatures please understand that rolled hem is SOOO FUUUCCCCKIINNGGGGGGGGG SUSAAHH!!! dan perkawinan lu dgn mesin jait pilihan hrs langgeng dan sentosa, or else please process an immediate divorce just like I did to mine.

Then I went to the sewing room and try my luck with my new partner of the day hahaha..
and it worked like magiiicc!! I was almost blinded and persuaded by my luck that I was thinking HEEY SEWING ROLLED HEM IS SOO FUN AND REFRESHING*vomit*
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haeuaheu so Lisa and Vavat were still in the room to celebrate my 1 hour anniversary with my new juki, we were singing random songs like nuts and VAVAT THERE YOU GO,MODEL GADIS YANG NGETOP DIANTARA YANG POP posing ala model2 majalah gadis yg mengklaim dirinya mewakili selera dan gaya hidup remaja indo jaman sekarang. yeah riighhttt
licked and sealed at 19:47 2 fanatics